Bonding the Family
Together Seminar

Bonding the Family Together Seminar is a three-day family seminar that goes beyond the old, over-used, worn-out techniques of the past. Dr. John Oda has dedicated the last 34 years of his life delving into the secrets of the world's most successful families. At the Bonding the Family Together Seminar, the information will be presented in an easy-to-understand and entertaining manner.

Dr. John Oda's Bonding the Family Together Seminar ® is the result of extensive interviewing and the identification of key aspects of successful family modeling. The Seminar will equip you to adopt successful bonding strategies by modeling the techniques of families who found the ability to bond together after going through tough times. Now you can spend time with Dr. John Oda in person and gain years of his experience in just three days, learning how to make these techniques work for your family.

You will learn:

  • How to break through fears and limitations
  • How to create a new belief that supports a targeted outcome
  • How to create a personal and family mission statement
  • How to differentiate passive, passive-aggressive, aggressive, and assertive behaviors
  • How to cause others to like you and trust you immediately
  • How to overcome complacency and procrastination and motivate yourself to take action
  • Team-building skills and how to apply them to your family
  • How to control your emotions
  • How to turn low self-esteem and doubt into confidence and pride
  • How to forgive your family members
  • How to relate with your family’s communication styles
  • How being in the juvenile system affects the family
  • Discover why teens join gangs and how to prevent this from happening to your family