This class, both live and home study, is designed to serve as a resource for the rest of your life, teaching you what NLP is and how to use it effectively.
You will learn more in this intensive, power-packed course than most students do in long, drawn-out training classes. If NLP enables rapid change, why not learn rapidly? We use NLP to teach NLP—in plain, everyday English!!! Have fun, expand your awareness, and experience deep change NOW!!!
If you’ve asked several people what NLP is, you probably received different answers. That’s why we at NFNLP ant to simplify this complicated art and get you the information you can use instantly.
Constance Polanski, who learned NLP from its co-creators and received advanced training from ABNLP, states, “Of all the training in NLP that I have been exposed to, Wil Horton and NFNLP are the only training that brings it down to earth and gives you techniques you can use the next day in your life! I got to experience NLP for the first time, not theory, not talking about it, but doing it! If you want to learn real deal NLP, take a course from Dr John Oda today!”
This is the most power-packed, intensive, and useful training you could ever be exposed to. Moreover, this class goes beyond the jargon of NLP and shows you the secrets of how NLP really works. You will learn and master the basic NLP techniques that have made NLP famous. We use NLP to teach NLP.
Also, this course will teach you the tools necessary to make this rapid-change technology a reality. You will learn—in easy-to-comprehend English—those who exposed the secret myth of NLP. This is an intensive, hands-on experience.